BOP is a next generation phosphatic fertilizers. Bioactive Organic Phosphate (BOP) fertilizers is produced through Bioactivation patent technology of Niha Corp USA. Bioactive Phosphorous is an organically encapsulated micronized Phosphate. BOP contains
- P205 20%
- Organic Matter 15%
- P Bacteria 109
- Bacterial Efficiency 10%

A synergetic combination of Bioactive Phosphorus, Decomposed & Stable Organic Matter, Nutrient Solubilizing Microorganisms (NSM) & Plant Growth Regulating Microorganisms (PGRM). BOP gives
- Healthy & vigorous root system due to Organic Matter and PGRM.
- Better seed germination & early growth
- Crop remain green till ripening due to PGRM
- Continuous supply of Phosphorus from germination to ripening of crop. Meets Phosphorus requirement of crop at every stage
- Healthy crop and more yield
- Free from Phosphorus leaching and fixation Best suited for all soils especially low pH soils
- BOP is an ideal phosphorous supplement for acidic soils and soil conditioning
General Dose Recommendation (Kg/Hect)
based on 0-20-0 & 15% OM Grade

To achieve ideal result, apply before soaking irrigating dose or along with basal fertilizers. Above are general recommendations, for best results always refer soil analysis-based recommendations. Always apply BOP before soaking dose of irrigation or one to two weeks before planting.

Average of 5 Years Trials
vs Chemical Fertilizers

23-24% Higher grain yield in wheat and maize
15-40% Higher biomass in wheat, maize and sorghum